Thursday, May 19, 2011

I Finished a Book!

I finished not one but two books this week.  Obviously, that means that much else around the house got done, but I figure it was worth it.  I read "Before My Heart Stops" by Paul Cardall, the musician, a recommendation from my mother-in-law.  It's about his life as he waited for a heart transplant a compilation of posts from his blog, Living for Eden, some news articles and additional commentary.  It was good.
The other book was " The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins.  I really liked it.  It takes place in the future, 12 districts ruled by a city called the Capitol.  Every year, there is a lottery where one boy and one girl from each district to compete in the Hunger Games.  Each of them is pitted against the rest in a battle to the death.  It is told from the point of view of the main character, Katniss Everdeen.  One of the endorsements on the back cover claims it is "perfectly paced", and I have to agree.  I did have a hard time putting it down. It's the first of a trilogy, the other books in the series are "Catching Fire" and "Mockingjay".

I'm not sure what I plan to read next, but hopefully, being off during the summer, I can read a few more books :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I think I'm going to try *GASP* diet and exercise

I got these off I think I'm going to try them.

Day 1
Breakfast: Oatmeal, half a cup of berries and a glass of almond milk.

Lunch: Half of a pita sandwich with lean turkey lunch meat, spinach, tomatoes and mustard, a side of carrots and hummus.

Dinner: Baked salmon flavored with lemon juice, salt and pepper, fresh sauteed green beans and a side of brown rice.

Day 2
Breakfast: Three egg-white omelet filled with spinach, tomatoes and onions with a side of melon.

Lunch: Tomato basil soup with a side green salad.

Dinner: Lean chicken breast seasoned with your choice of herbs or marinade with a sweet potato and fruit salad on the side.

Day 3
Breakfast: Avocado pear smoothie sweetened with honey and half of an English muffin.

Lunch: Crisp tofu, red pepper, green beans and cabbage sauteed in a stir fry with sesame sauce.

Dinner: Halibut with a side of barley risotto and peas.

Day 4
Breakfast: Whole grain toast topped with goat cheese and raspberries.

Lunch: Turkey roll-up with light cream cheese and tomatoes with a side of veggie chips and a pear.

Dinner: Black bean burrito with caramelized onions, mushrooms and mango salsa on a whole wheat tortilla with one cup of tortilla soup.

Day 5
Breakfast: Whole-wheat pancakes topped with applesauce.

Lunch: Large spinach salad with hard-boiled egg and light honey mustard dressing.

Dinner: Pork chops with a side of mashed cauliflower and baked cinnamon apples.

Day 6
Breakfast: An oat bran muffin with a side of strawberries.

Lunch: Chili with chicken, green chiles and white beans.

Dinner: Falafel in a pita with a side of cous cous and green salad.

Day 7
Breakfast: Greek yogurt parfait with honey, oats and berries.

Lunch: Portabello mushroom burger with a side of sweet potato fries.

Dinner: One California roll with one cup of edamame and one cup of miso soup.

Snacks: Carrot sticks or red pepper slices and hummus, a handful of almonds, an apple with one tablespoon of peanut butter, Greek yogurt with berries, baked chips with salsa, beet or kale chips or fruit salad.

Super foods to include in your meal: red tomatoes, black beans, spinach, almonds, Swiss chard, mushrooms, kale, avocado, salmon, flax seed, Greek yogurt, pumpkin seeds, oats, grapefruit, carrots and broccoli.

Low-calorie seasonings and flavors: cinnamon, honey, Stevia all-natural sweetener, agave nectar, mustard, basil, sage, thyme, coconut oil, olive oil, garlic, ginger, saffron and red chiles.

And for when I feel like eating a little unhealthy:
The Rule of 3 - doing three different exercises every day - is a great way to mix things up and make sure you're not bored while you get the exercise your body needs.

Here are three easy things to do at home to get you started:

Choose a Pilates move to do each day
You don't even need a mat. Joseph Pilates designed his exercises so that people could do them from home. A quick online search will reveal detailed instructions on how to perform each pose.

Wall Roll Down is a great one that many people like that will get you started on your core.

Stand tall against a wall, and keeping your body against the wall, walk your feet out about eight inches from the wall. Pull your stomach in. Keep your shoulders down and away from your ears, chest open, and raise your arms over your head. Keep your arms up by your ears as you slowly roll your spine down and away from the wall, vertebrae by vertebrae. Keep your abs pulled in as you work slowly, peeling the spine away from the wall. Relax your head and neck. Roll down as far as you can stretch while keeping your hips against the wall. Keeping your arms in the same place, roll up slowly paying close attention while you use your stomach muscles to move your body up. Keep rolling up, replacing your vertebrae against the wall one by one as you go. Finish in an upright position with your arms up and hands clasped together

Choose an exercise DVD or video game to which you can relate
"Jillian Michaels: The Complete Workout for Beginner" and "The Michael Jackson Experience" for the Wii are two excellent workouts to put on your TV and computer

The Michael's workout burns an estimated 370-460 while using 3- to 5-pound dumbbells and a resistance band. (97 minutes; $24.95 for a two-DVD set; Do as much of it as you have time for.

The Jackson workout is a product of the 80s and 90s, and I find it a pleasure to work out and dance to Michael Jackson's hits, and even one song - Smooth Criminal - gets my heart rate up so quickly I have to take a break between each song. You can do a few songs here and there throughout the day which is good for your overall fitness and heart rate.

Squats are my least favorite exercise to do anywhere- even at home, but boy, are the results worth it.

First, place a chair just behind you and stand in front of it with feet about hip- or shoulder-width apart. Then tighten your abs as you bend your knees and slowly and squat towards the chair. Keep your knees behind your toes and sit down on the chair for a few seconds. Squeeze in your glutes and hamstrings to lift up out of the chair and begin extending the legs. Stand back up fully and repeat this at least 10 times.

You may be asking yourself if such a short, simple routine will do anything but make it hard to walk up and down stairs the next day. The answer is: Yes. Especially if you do it consistently.

By incorporating the Rule of 3 you'll soon be in the wonderful habit of taking care of your body and toning up while losing weight. Google, YouTube,, and many other sites have so much information on daily workouts that you can choose three new exercises to try at home every day and never do the same thing twice, if you don't want to.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Update on the HCG diet

I would like to say that I don't consider myself to be morbidly obese, but my doctor, my insurance and the Body Mass Index says I am. My health issues are all tied to my weight so, when Mel suggested that I try the HCG and a modified diet plan, I decide that I would try it. I have started it and already lost weight.  I'm sure it is just water weight, but that is okay, because mentally it is good.  Just a few hints for it though. 1: DRINK YOUR WATER.  That is the be advice to give. Drink a cup of water with a little lemon juice in the morning and then a glass before each meal. You can easily get your water in doing it that way. I got a 2 liter water bottle that I can carry with me to the rest of my water. Yea, at first you spend most of the time running to the bathroom, but soon you get used to it.  2 liters a day. Works well.
2. MEASURE ALL OF YOUR FOOD.  That way you won't put too much on your plate.  Oh yea, use a smaller plate -that helps too.
3. PUT YOUR FORK OR SPOON DOWN BETWEEN BITES.  That way you feel fuller faster and don't eat as much.
4.WEIGHT LOSS IS A LIFE TIME PROJECT FOR SOME OF US.  My goal is be healthy.  I know what my goal is and I am going to take my time to get to it.  I know that it will be a lifetime project.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Manners (mom)

25 Manners Every Kid Should Know By Age 9         

David Lowry, PhD

Helping your child master these simple rules of etiquette will get him noticed – for all the right reasons.

Your child’s rude ‘tude isn’t always intentional. Sometimes kids just don’t realize it impolite to interrupt, pick their nose, or loudly observe that the lady walking in from of them has a large behind.  And in the hustle and bustle of daily life, busy moms and dads don’t always have the time to focus on etiquette.  But if you reinforce these 25 must-do manners, you’ll raise a polite, kind, well-liked child.

Manner #1: When asking for something, say “Please’.
Manner #2: When receiving something, say “Thank you”.
Manner #3: Do not interrupt grown-ups who are speaking with each other unless there is an emergency.  They will notice you and respond when they are finished talking.
Manner #4:If you do need to get somebody’s attention right away, the phrase “excuse me” is the most polite way for you to enter the conversation.
Manner #5: When you have any doubt about doing something, ask permission first.  It can save you from many hours of grief later.
Manner#6:  The world is not interested in what you dislike.  Keep negative opinions to yourself, or between you and your friends and out of earshot of adults.
Manner #7: Do not comment on other people’s physical characteristics unless, of course, it is to compliment them, which is always welcome.
Manner #8:  When people ask you how you are, tell them and then ask them how they are.
Manner #9:  When you have spent time at your friend’s house, remember to thank his or her parents for having you over and for the good time you had.
Manner #10:  Knock on closed doors – and wait to see is there’s a response – before entering.
Manner #11:  When you make a phone call, introduce yourself first and then ask if you can speak with the person you are calling.
Manner #12: Be appreciative and say “thank you” for any gift you receive.  In the age of e-mail, a handwritten thank you mote can have a powerful effect.
Manner #13:  Never use foul language in front of adults.  Grown-ups already know all those words, and they find them boring and unpleasant.
Manner #14:  Don’t call people mean names.
Manner #15:  Do not make fun of anyone for any reason.  Teasing show others you are weak, and ganging up on someone else is cruel.
Manner #16:  Even if a play or an assembly is boring, sit through it quietly and pretend that you are interested.  The performers and presenters are doing their best.
Manner #17:  If you bump into somebody, immediately say “Excuse me”.
Manner #18:  Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and don’t pick your nose in public.
Manner #19: As you walk through a door, look to see if you can hold it open for someone else.
Manner #20: If you come across a parent, a teacher or a neighbor working on something, ask if you can help.  If they say “yes,” do so – you may learn something new.
Manner # 21: When an adult asks you for a favor, do it without grumbling and with a smile.
Manner #22:  When someone helps you, say, “Thank you.” That person will likely want to help you again.  This is especially true with teachers.
Manner #23:  Use eating utensils properly.  If you are unsure how to do so, ask you parents to each you or watch what adults do.
Manner #24:  Keep a napkin on your lap: use it to wipe you mouth when necessary.
Manner #25:  Don’t reach for things at the table; ask to have them passed.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Some HCG Worthy Diet Food Tips

So has anyone noticed how this blog has drifted from being a blog about cooking or reading? Well I'll try to get things back on track. Last month I tried to do the HCG diet where you only eat 500 calories a day and take these "magic drops" that were supposed to help you lose a lot of weight. Well, I did loose a pound a day but after one week I felt like my stomach was trying to turn inside out and get food for itself. I was miserable! If you're thinking about doing the HCG diet with the drops do it but try to mix it up with these helpful tips:

Drink AT LEAST 2 full liters of water PER day. I swear you'll loose lots of weight just with this! You'll feel water logged the first couple days but keep going. The water helps dissolve the fat releasing the energy into your blood stream through your kidneys, trust me, it'll help! Oh and don't go by the stupid idea that drinking water makes you retain water, it's actually the opposite. Why would your body hold onto water when you're drinking ample amounts of water?

Anyways, let's keep going.

Stay away from fats oils and creams. You will have sugar deprivation headaches the first couple days, suck on a peppermint, but do not fall into the trap of Diet soda. The diet part of the soda actually is worse for your body than real sugar.

These little helpful rubs and marinades will make it a little easier to eat the same thing everyday.
-Spicy Meat Rub
garlic powder
cayenne pepper
onion powder
make and use however much you want.
-Fiesta Lime Meat Marinade
lime juice
soy sauce
-Salad Dressing
white cider vinegar
you can add lime or lemon juice to kinda tang it up.
Balsamic Vinegar is always good with a little salt and pepper over a green salad.
Remember NO OIL!!!

And heres a tasty recipe that you can make and eat for a mid day snack.

Buffalo Wings
Skinless, boneless chicken strips
3Tbsp cider vinegar
2Tbsp reduced sodium chicken broth
2 tsp hot pepper sauce (you can use more if you like them really hot)
Partially dry chicken and marinate in a plastic bag in liquid mix for 1 hour flipping bag once. Broil 5 inches from heat turn once. Cook 10 minutes per side.

And remember if all else fails and you don't know what sounds good, GRILL IT. I don't have a grill so I bake it but that tends to make a lot of dishes.
If you have a day where you slip up and use oil or fall off the wagon and totally forget about everything, then the next day eat 6 apples and that's eat while taking your drops. Mostly, just drink your water and only have as much starch (potatoes, rice) if you need it and make sure it's only the size as the bottom of an 8 oz water glass. If you can avoid eating it, it's better if you don't.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another favorite thing (Mom)

So we found another favorite thing the other day.  As you may recall the first favorite thing was the magic cleaner.  I still am using it and love it.  Mel and I went to Target the other day to get a few things and to shop for her birthday when we decided to get Riley something instead.  Riley had been to my house a few days before where she wanted to color with markers, but couldn't because she likes to write all over her hands and arms.  While at Target, we began to look at the Crayola Wonder Markers that only write on the special paper that is sold with it.  We decided to try it.  Riley was cute.  She saw a lap desk and thought that she was done shopping.  It had a little handle on it, and she hung it on her arm and was ready to check out.  When her mommy told her that we weren't going to get that, she was disappointed! Anyway, We got her and her lap desk(of course she got it) and markers with the special paper into the car and VOILA!  Riley was able to draw to her heart's content, she wasn't able to draw on herself or anything else and we were all happy.  So new favorite thing, Crayola's Wonder Markers.