Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The bookin' side (Mom)

We hadn't decided on a book yet, so I thought I would blog about the two books I have read in the last week. Melanie had recommended and brought over The Looking Glass Wars for dad to read.  Dad said he couldn't get into it so I decided to read it.  As far as "getting" into it, that wasn't hard.  It was based on Alice in Wonderland, a story which is familiar, then takes a twist to update it.  I read it easily and finished it in no time.  I would give it a thumbs up.
After I finished that book, I read a book that Justin had recommended a while ago.  Skulduggery Pleasant is a kind of magical mystery.  It was good.  I would give it a thumbs up too, but I did find it to be somewhat predictable.  It is written on a teen/junior high level.
So two books I've read that I would recommend to everyone to read.


  1. See! i told you it was good. I love how it makes you think about the story on a whole different level and it makes it so much more accessible.

  2. It was not so drug based as the Lewis Carroll version. I like it when they take anold story and make a new version out of it. I want to get the Second book in the series this weekend.
